Last Updated on 22/04/2024 by Andrew X

Welcome, intrepid investigators of the paranormal and all things strange and mysterious!
My name is Andrew and I will be your guide on this journey through our digital realm. Join me as we delve into first-hand encounters, insightful expert analyses, and captivating historical records of intriguing paranormal occurrences from around the world.
Welcome To www.Paranormal.Global

Before you continue into the pages of our arcane tales, please heed our friendly but crucial disclaimer…
Creepy Content Disclaimer
Some content within Paranormal.Global may rouse a shiver, provoke a gasp, or elicit sleepless nights. Our mission is to illuminate the cryptic corners of our world, yet we recognize our shared chronicles are not for everyone. This website is not intended for the faint-hearted, younger viewers or those who may be offended by paranormal and creepy content.
Prepare to challenge your perception, but be advised:
Reader discretion is recommended.
Choose your passages wisely, and may your courage be as steadfast as your curiosity.
For those gallant souls who find exhilaration amid the inexplicable,
…The door stands ajar…
Our Adventure Into The Supernatural Begins Now…

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